The main objective of the JOHANNA project is the joint staff qualification in SB destinations to increase the skilled workforce in the SBS and by that ensure a sustainable SCS development in the SBS

The South Baltic Sea region is full of small/medium sized cities with economic potential, which unfortunately are not well-known or recognized outside the region. Young people often leave the area to go to other cities straight after finishing school or further education, as the prospects of finding a well-paid and fulfilling job are not great. As a result, there is a lack of skilled workforce and at the same time, the region is also not attracting new skilled workforce. Due to this, the regional differences between different parts of the country continue on growing and measures need to be taken to break the vicious cycle.

The JOHANNA project aims to tackle these problems and its main aim is to better educate and equip with appropriate qualifications the different target groups within the population by offering specific tailor-made qualification and training modules, such as:

  • Professional training of guides (regional knowledge, special needs of SCS passengers, education skills).
    Target group: students, part-time employees/parental leave.

    JOHANNA Cruise Guide Training 2021-2022
  • University education in the field of cruise management (city and port development, marketing, tourism, cruise business).
    Target group: students, school graduates.
    Aim: qualifying students as cruise managers who will be responsible for developing the cruise business in South Baltic destinations; and also retraining other staff in the business.

The measures will strengthen the tourist sector, attract new qualified people and prevent emigration by opening new job perspectives for young people, and due to this, the share of skilled workforce in the South Baltic Sea region will increase.


The main objective of the SOUTH BALTIC TRANSPORT LOOPS project is the development of new regular shipping connections to and from project partner ports in order to develop these (small- and medium sized) ports. To and from partner ports does not mean between partner ports only. Shipping connections may be implemented between a partner port and any other port inside and outside the Baltic Sea. The focus are two sectors of the shipping sector, 1) the container, bulk and general cargo transport as well as 2) the ferry (Ro-Ro, Ro-Pax, Rail-Ro) sector. For the second aspect the strengthening of existing ferry connections is an important objective as well. "Strengthening" means the introductions of new products and/or higher frequencies in order to increase passenger and cargo transport figures as well as the market share of these ferry connections.

The expected and envisaged change to be gained on the project, is the implementation of new regular shipping connections. The relevant programme priority axis is no. 3 "Improving cross-border connectivity for a functional blue and green transport area". The relevant thematic objective is no. 7 "Promoting sustainable transport and removing key network infrastructures". The relevant specific objective is 3 "Improve the quality and environmental sustainability of transport services in the South Baltic area." New or improved connections are a quality improvement of transport services in the SB area.

The ports and the user of shipping lines (cargo transport clients and passengers) will benefit from the new and/or improved shipping connections. These connections improve the accessibility of South Baltic region. Improved accessibility supports the development of the economy (production and trade) as well as tourism. It may also help to increase the population in certain areas.

The development of new regular shipping connections to and from small/medium-sized ports is a new topic the SB Programme Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.

Contact person:

 Elisa Bissendorf
 Project Manager

+49 38392 55 228
+49 172 38 39 821


Structural development measures support activities aimed at strengthening the focal points of local, regional or supraregional economic development by creating or securing jobs in the general labor market.

With this measure, Mukran Port has started the "development of an economic development for the large-scale commercial location Sassnitz-Mukran-Lietzow" in the first funding year from March 2020 to February 2021. This project was supported by the location offensive, which is implemented together with Invest in MV and the Ministry of Economic Affairs MV. Furthermore, networks in the areas of hydrogen and business development were defined and the cooperation was consistently expanded.

In the 2nd funding year from March 2021 to February 2022, the approaches from the experience gained so far will be incorporated and pursued in the further "Expansion of business development & development of a sustainable large-scale business location". In particular, the creation of the foundations for the establishment of a sustainable, green and port-affine location in MV will be the main task during this period. Synergy effects and permanent and high-quality jobs for the region are to be created jointly with potential investors and companies already located there.

Contact person:

  1. SEM-funding year:

    Claudia Martens – Marketing & Development Industries
    Sebastian Möller – Marketing & Sales Industries

  2. SEM-funding year:

    Claudia Martens – Marketing & Development Industries
    Tel.: +49 38392 55 350