Sassnitz-Mukran, December 5, 2017 - on 4 December 2017, Minister for Infrastructure Christian Pegel handed over a grant of nearly one million euros at the official release of track 66. Due to the track extension to the quay, it will be possible in the future to handle goods from train to vessel and vice versa without further reloading. Due to this infrastructure expansion, Mukran Port consolidates its position as one of the most important universal ports in the Baltic Sea region.

Sassnitz-Mukran, November 1, 2017 - All 70 wind turbines in the offshore wind farm "Wikinger" of the energy supplier Iberdrola, which were installed from the Mukran Port, are ready for operation on the high seas. After the commissioning, which has still to be realized, "Wikinger" can cover up to 20 percent of the energy demand of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with clean electricity. The operation and maintenance of the wind farm will be controlled from the Iberdrola operating building in Mukran Port for the next 25 years.

Sassnitz-Mukran, October 2, 2017 - A total of 76 kilometers of cable are on the way to the Mukran Port for a current offshore wind farm project. Between 9.4 and 23 kilometers long cables weighing between 510 and 580 tonnes will reach the port in five trains from the end of September to December 2017. Via the new track 66, the cables will be shunted by the port railway Baltic Port Rail Mukran (BPRM) to the quay and stored there before being later transshipped by the lay barge.

Sassnitz-Mukran, September 27, 2017 - The installation of the last wind turbines in the "Wikinger" offshore wind farm of Iberdrola is close to being completed, as the construction of a new project is already starting at the Mukran Port. The energy supplier E.ON intends to realize the "Arkona" wind farm until 2019 in front of Rügen with its 60 turbines of the six megawatt class. The 1.2 billion euro project, the official start of which took place in Mukran Port, will provide an electrical output of 385 megawatts. The required wind turbines, some of which have already been stored in the port area since the summer, will be shipped to the construction site via quays of Mukran Port.

Sassnitz-Mukran, September 05, 2017 - Deutsche Bogenn, manufacturer of high-quality plastic pipes, will start the test phase for pipe production at its plant in Mukran Port by the end of the year. The company, located in the industrial area Südstraße in 2016, is currently installing its machine park. After a successful test phase, Deutsche Bogenn will produce series of pipes for its customers including infrastructure projects from 2018 onwards.

Sassnitz-Mukran, August 29, 2017 - The representatives of Mukran Port received the delegation of a large Chinese commercial enterprise at the end of last week. The main aim of the two-day visit was the unique infrastructure of the port and industrial location as well as future opportunities for cooperation. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed during the meeting, which will form the basis for cooperation in logistics of the "New Silk Road" and, if applicable, in large industrial projects and port development.

Sassnitz-Mukran, August 22, 2017 - The Mukran Port is one of the most important sites for the offshore industry in the Baltic Sea. This was the unanimous opinion at the 5th Offshore Summit, which brought together some 100 high-ranking representatives of the energy sector, politics as well as associations at the passenger terminal of the port. In the context of the Offshore Summit, Mukran Port signed a contract with the Spanish energy group Iberdrola for the long-term use of the port for the operation of its wind farm „Wikinger“("Viking"). Following the conference, by now traditional exhibition on the subject of "Fascination Offshore Wind" was opened. Companies within the industry presented their projects and answered the questions of the numerous visitors. The guided tours on land and water enjoyed great popularity, among others the operating buildings of Iberdrola and E.ON could be visited.

Sassnitz-Mukran, August 14, 2017 - Once again, a cruise ship has been moored in Mukran Port. On it’s journey from Kiel, the “Astor” stopped on Germany's largest and most popular holiday island. In addition to the attractions on Rügen such as the famous chalk cliffs, the 462 passengers also have made an excursion to the nearby hanseatic city of Stralsund.

Sassnitz-Mukran, August 9, 2017 - At the end of calendar week 33, Mukran Port will focus on the generation of wind power from the open seas. A large number of companies will present their offshore involvement to an interested public on the 4th floor of the passenger terminal in Mukran Port on 18 and 19 August. In addition to the exhibition about wind power, plant tours, port trips with a ship as well as children’s entertainment round off the colorful program on these two days.

Sassnitz-Mukran, August 7, 2017 - For more than two decades, the Mukran Port has been training young people for their professional career.  In 2017 also, five young trainees started their apprenticeship in Germany’s easternmost deep-water port. Four newcomers will be trained as office management assistance and one will start his apprenticeship as a future port logistics specialist. For this training occupation, the company offers another place in this year, which the Mukran Port would like to occupy with a motivated school leaver from the region.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 31, 2017 - Nearly four and a half million euros are available in the Mukran Port for construction of a new wavebreaker and extension of the existing quarry stone mole. In the middle of last week, Christian Pegel, the minister responsible for infrastructural measures in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, handed over the grant containing state and federal funds of almost four million euros, being the main part of the investment, to those responsible in Fährhafen Sassnitz GmbH. The money will also be used for the installation of dolphins, which serve as a mark for the shipping traffic in the port basin.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 28, 2017 - On Friday, the "Silver Cloud" coming from Gdańsk called the Mukran Port for the first time. 296 passengers of the cruise ship in the luxury category spent their stay on land while visiting the sights of the region. Among them were the historic old town of Stralsund, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the most beautiful seaside resorts on Rügen. In the evening the ship and its passengers continued their cruise through the Baltic Sea to Copenhagen.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 27, 2017 - In order to further expand the project and heavy-load business in the Mukran Port, the new berth 10 has been realized involving regional companies. On July 26, the new infrastructure was officially opened in the presence of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Energy Minister, Christian Pegel. The new berth, which has a heavy-duty slab, is designed especially for the activities of the offshore wind industry as well as business sector involving heavy goods and project loadings.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 26, 2017 - The Liebherr crane, type LHM 550, can carry a load of up to 144 tons. Such a model of crane, which has a maximum boom projection of 54 meters, was positioned on the quay after its delivery in the Mukran Port on July 21. The crane weighing 439 tonnes will be used in the port for ongoing heavy-lift projects.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 24, 2017 - A total of 72 so-called concrete mattresses have reached the Mukran Port on board the m.v. “Filia Nettie". The mattresses - each with a weight of more than 9 tonnes – will be taken on board by the "DSV Constructor" after a short temporary storage and moved as a cover for a cable connection for the offshore wind farm "Wikinger" in the Baltic Sea. Mukran Port Terminals was responsible for discharge of the mattresses at berth 9.

Sassnitz-Mukran, July 21, 2017 - The first components for the offshore wind park "Arkona Becken" of E.ON have reached the Mukran Port. The brightyellow, up to 16 meters high, 8 meters wide and 300-ton heavy transition pieces (TP’s) will be temporarily stored on the north terminal. They will later serve as a transitional piece between the pile (monopile) and the tower of the offshore wind turbines. A total of 60 TP’s will reach the port from the Danish Aalborg in the coming months.

Sassnitz-Mukran, June 13, 2017 - at about 11 am, MS Deutschland called the Mukran Port as part of its 13-day Baltic Sea cruise. With the ocean cruise vessel of the shipping company V.Ships, passengers experienced the Scandinavian, Baltic and German perals at the Baltic sea.

Warnemünde, June 1, 2017 -The Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Digitization of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the association Logistics Initiative Mecklenburg Vorpommern organized the ninth Baltic Logistics Conference with a focus on "Logistics in times of digitization, customer expectations and profitability" on 01.06.17 in Warnemünde (Rostock). In addition to Minister Christian Pegel, the participants included high-ranking representatives from the transport policy, shipping companies, ports as well as transport and logistics companies. The Commercial Director of Mukran Port reported on the new business model at the site Mukran, which has been placed on the market for about a year and secures the future as well as the growth of the Germany’s northeastern deep water port.

At the same time, Mukran Port is represented in Hamburg at the third International Multimodal Conference, which brings together key representatives from the field of logistics and multimodality from Europe and Asia. The focus of this forum is on the further development of the new Silk Road, whereby good logistics in the Baltic Sea Region can make a decisive contribution to this.

Sassnitz-Mukran, May 24, 2017 - 14,500 tonnes of sand as first of the aggregates for the coating of 90,000 pipes for the Baltic pipeline were delivered to Mukran Port by vessel. The sand was unloaded and stored by the company Mukran Port Terminals.

Sassnitz-Mukran, May 17, 2017 - The O&M Port and Networking Event took place in Mukran Port. A presentation of the new O&M port for crew transport vessels and service vessels currently being constructed was made to the participants. During the event, an excursion to the offshore wind farm "Wikinger" was organized, where the participants could see the 21 wind turbines already installed in the Baltic Sea. Afterwards, the traditional offshore barbecue took place in the Mukran Port.